New Equal Routes Op-ed: Efficiency may be the one-size-fits-all solution for marine shipping

Elissama Menezes and Andrew Dumbrille
By Elissama Menezes and Andrew Dumbrille, July 11, 2024

Our latest piece in the National Observer shows how reforming the International Maritime Organization Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) can incentivize shipping efficiency and help solve the triple planetary crisis of climate, pollution, and biodiversity. Just a 10% reduction in the speed of the global fleet could reduce GHG emissions by 13%, underwater noise by 40%, and the risk of whale strikes by 50%.

Here’s our recipe for a CII that can drive change:

True efficiency: Transform CII into a measure that compels the sector to reduce overall fuel use/GHG emissions based on energy use (i.e., megajoules).

Strengthening rating thresholds: To meet 2030 targets, the CII should require vessels to improve their emissions intensity between three to five times more (33 percent – 55 percent reduction).

Stronger enforcement: Incorporate clear consequences, such as financial penalties or revocation of certification, for failing to meet CII requirements.

Transparency: Make CII ratings public so the public can hold non-compliant vessel owners accountable.

With the CII’s review period to be completed in 2026, Canada has a unique opportunity to lead this transformative change.

Read the full piece here.